Sector reports series
The Sectors Reports Series and the New Zealand Sectors Dashboard provides up-to-date information on all the industry sectors that make up the New Zealand economy.
On this page
Together, the reports and dashboard pull together the most recent official economic data (at the time of publication of each report) and discuss the challenges and opportunities that face New Zealand’s industry sectors.
COVID-19 data resources
MBIE is sourcing, analysing and interpreting a wide range of data for sectors and regions as part of the response to COVID-19. These make use of historical data to understand context as well as incorporating novel data sources available in real time. A range of resources are compiled to support policy advice and monitoring and provide the evidence base for the recovery phase.
Data and related resources on the economic impact of COVID-19
New Zealand Sectors Dashboard
The New Zealand Sectors Dashboard is a 1-stop shop for all information about New Zealand's economy by sectors. We update it about 4 times a year.
It brings together a range of economic datasets we produce jointly with Statistics New Zealand into one easy-to-use tool. Information is presented using dynamic graphs and summary tables.
Launch the New Zealand Sectors Dashboard(external link)
Download the Sectors data base [CSV, 8.4 MB]
New Zealand Sectors Report 2014
The New Zealand Sectors Report was the first ever comprehensive overview of the economic performance of all the sectors that make up New Zealand’s economy.
New Zealand Sectors Report 2014 - full report [PDF, 4.9 MB]
Part 1: Overview of the Economy by Sector [PDF, 2.1 MB]
Part 2: Sector Snapshots [PDF, 2.7 MB]
Part 3: Cross-cutting Sectors [PDF, 1 MB]
Information and Communications Technology
This report profiles New Zealand’s fast growing information technology software and services sector.
IT product and services firms tend to pay higher wages and export more than other ICT firms. They also invest more in R&D than any other industry and play a key role in the digitisation and diversification of New Zealand’s economy.
Through expansion off-shore, they support New Zealand’s integration into global value chains and markets.
Information and Communication Technology 2017 report [PDF, 2.9 MB]
Investor Guide to the NZ Tech Sector [PDF, 4.7 MB]
Manufacturing report
The Manufacturing Sector Report 2018 provides a comprehensive picture of New Zealand’s total manufacturing sector, bringing together facts and figures from Statistics New Zealand, commentary and insights from interviews with 30 industry stakeholders, as well as findings from other research.
It focuses on a number of topics including contribution to GDP, employment, labour market and skills, as well as performance in productivity, innovation and exports.
Manufacturing sector report 2018 - key facts and findings [PDF, 1.1 MB]
Manufacturing sector report 2018 [PDF, 8.8 MB]
High Tech Manufacturing report
The High Tech Manufacturing Report provides data and analysis on New Zealand's high and medium high technology manufacturers.
High Technology Manufacturing report 2013 [PDF, 2.2 MB]
Petroleum and Minerals report
The Petroleum and Minerals Report takes and in-depth look into how New Zealand’s petroleum and minerals sector is performing.
Petroleum and Minerals Report 2012 [PDF, 1.5 MB]
Construction report
The construction report takes an in-depth look into how New Zealand’s construction sector is performing.
Construction report 2013 [PDF, 1.7 MB]
Knowledge Intensive Services report
Image courtesy Harris Butt Architecture
The Knowledge Intensive Services report takes an in-depth look into a broad and diverse range of New Zealand’s services with varying degrees of knowledge intensity. It includes businesses providing post, telecommunications, finance, insurance, computer systems design, and professional, scientific and technical services.
Knowledge intensive services report 2014 [PDF, 2 MB]
Forestry and wood processing spotlight reports
This series of spotlight reports provides information, insights and an international perspective into New Zealand’s forestry and wood processing sector, with a particular focus on how the sector can increase domestic processing of logs and add value to volume.
Please note these reports are not an official part of the sectors report series, and statements or advice contained within do not necessarily reflect government policy.
Read the Forestry and wood processing spotlight report series