Science System Advisory Group

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment has convened a group of experts to provide advice on strengthening the science, innovation and technology system, including the challenges and aspirations of the sector, and opportunities for growth.

The Science System Advisory Group (SSAG) is chaired by Professor Sir Peter Gluckman and made up of 8 additional members from a range of backgrounds.  

The SSAG was tasked with developing 2 reports. The first report was delivered in mid-2024. This focused on issues identified in the current system, and suggests a future architecture of the science, innovation and technology system needed to promote New Zealand’s productivity and broader social, environmental and economic future.

Read the SSAG report [PDF, 1.4 MB] 

The SSAG report informed government decisions on refocusing the science, innovation and technology system.

Read more about the Government's decisions and work to refocus the science, innovation and technology system:

Refocusing the science, innovation and technology system

It was important that the Government considered recommendations in this report before the group started work on a second phase. Further advice is due to MBIE in due course and will largely focus on funding mechanisms.

See the SSAG website for more information:

Science Systems Advisory Group(external link) 

The Ministry of Education has convened an advisory group to provide independent advice on the university sector. Given the close ties between the university and science systems, both groups are being chaired by Professor Sir Peter Gluckman.

While the 2 groups operate separately, sharing a chair will allow for connections to be made between the two systems where appropriate. 

Secretariat support for the SSAG is being provided by the Centre for Informed Futures Koi Tū.

In this section

Terms of reference

Terms of reference for the Science System Advisory Group.

Advisory Group members

Biographies for the Science System Advisory Group members.

Last updated: 23 January 2025