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Outcome 5: A dynamic business environment fostering innovation and international connections

Aotearoa New Zealand needs a business environment that is dynamic, where businesses can respond to new opportunities and resources are allocated to their most productive use.

The Waikato regional story

The Waikato RSLG area is a strategically significant land area between the fastest-growing metropolitan centres in New Zealand and at the heart of the golden triangle, the economic zone encompassing Auckland, Hamilton and Tauranga. This area generates over 50% of New Zealand gross domestic product (GDP) and is home to over 50% of NZ’s population.

Summary of responses to consultation questions

Chapters 2 and 3 of the Issues Paper included specific consultation questions which we considered to be important for informing the development of the gas transition plan. The responses to these questions are summarised here.

4. The future of business – a diversity of models

In this Briefing we have traversed two different trends to explore how businesses are approaching their role in society, and how the ways that they organise themselves might change in future.

Catalyst: Strategic – the New Zealand-China Research Collaboration Centres

Established in 2016, the New Zealand-China Research Collaboration Centres are a mechanism to align existing cooperation and build new connections between New Zealand and Chinese researchers. In 2020, their mandate was expanded to include the coordination and support of joint research projects with China.