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What does The United Kingdom want for dinner these days? Opportunities for New Zealand food & bevera...

Published: 3 May 2021

The report explores emerging market opportunities in post-Brexit UK and notes export opportunities for New Zealand firms are likely found across a number of categories, such as ice cream, pet food, gin and premium spirits, rather than in traditional exports to the UK, such as lamb, or more recently developed exports, such as wine.




PDF, 3MB, 184 pages

Fellowships impact evaluation 2020

Published: 22 Apr 2021

This is an impact evaluation report by Pūkeko Research Limited of Fellowships funded through the Vote Business Science and Innovation funding. Seven Fellowships were evaluated in 2020 including: the Fulbright Science and Innovation Graduate Awards, the Royal Society Te Apārangi fellowships: James Cook, Rutherford Discovery, Rutherford Foundation, and the Health Research Council fellowships: Sir Charles Hercus, Māori Health and Pacific Health.




PDF, 897KB, 27 pages