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Science and innovation
The science and innovation systems are critical to boosting the number of knowledge-intensive, internationally-connected firms. We are working to lift business expenditure on research and development, improve the benefits to the wider economy from business development assistance, and harness the potential of the digital economy.
Our open and scheduled science and innovation funding and investment opportunities.
Budget initiatives, research agencies, the Vision Matauranga Policy and Science Board information.
- Refocusing the science, innovation and technology system
- Budget initiatives
- Research organisations
- Our Science Board
- Workforce Initiatives
- Gene technology regulation
- Vision Mātauranga
- Diversity In MBIE Science Investments
- Other publications
- Kaupapahere Rangahau Tuwhera - Open Research policy
- Science System Advisory Group
Our funding and support programmes aim to build a high-performing science and innovation system.
Our involvement in space, R&D, and world-leading innovative international science partnerships.
All the latest Science and Innovation news stories as well success stories from previous funding rounds.
Find out more about science and innovation research data.
- Algorithms at MBIE: Transparency and accountability for our algorithm use
- Successful funding application ANZSRC data
- Kitmap — A Stocktake of Research Infrastructure in Aotearoa New Zealand’s Government Research Organisations
- New Zealand Research Information System
- Open access to weather data review
- Research, Science and Innovation sector data
- Research, Science and Innovation (RSI) Workforce Surveys
- Project Hau Nuku: Weather forecasting system review
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