Building System Insights Programme
The purpose of the Building System Insights Programme (BSIP) is to conduct strategic research and evaluation, which provides sector intelligence and insights, to inform the implementation and effective delivery of the Building System Regulatory Strategy.
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The generation of these insights will inform the direction of the strategy, tell us what activities we need to prioritise and engage in, and whether what we are doing is making a difference.
The embedding of these insights will ensure that our work remains relevant and evidence-based, and that we continue to be an efficient and effective steward of the building regulatory system.
In this section
Building and Construction Sector Trends Reporting Package
The Building and Construction Sector Trends Reporting Package provides regular insights on the key and emerging trends in the building and construction sector.
Building for the Future Indicators Explorer
The Building for the Future Indicators Explorer is an online tool that provides a snapshot of New Zealand’s building system, and tracks it’s progress against the outcomes in the Building System Regulatory Strategy – Building for the Future.
Construction Workforce Projections
The Construction Workforce Projections provides medium to long-term workforce/employment projections of the construction industry.
COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on building system actors
This research provides insights on the initial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on businesses, workers, and end-users within the New Zealand building system.
Evaluation of the Building Consent System
This evaluation was designed to better understand how well the current system is aligned with its intended objectives and to explore the underlying causes of issues with its efficiency, predictability and effectiveness.
Monitoring the efficiency of building consent processes for new Kāinga Ora public housing
This report describes the observed efficiency, effectiveness and consistency of the end-to-end building consent processes as they have been applied to new public housing commissioned by Kāinga Ora (as an agent of the Crown). It also provides a baseline for identifying efficiency gains over time through, for example, greater use of ‘MultiProof’ and modular components.
National Construction Pipeline Report
The National Construction Pipeline Report provides 6-year projection of national building and construction work.
Progress towards identifying potential earthquake-prone buildings
This research provides a summary of progress made by 38 territorial authorities towards identifying potential earthquake-prone buildings
State of the Building and Construction Sector
This research provides an annual monitor on the state of the building and construction sector.
Trends in the importation of building and construction products
Exploratory analyses of the Overseas Merchandise Trade dataset: Technical Report – July 2022.
This exploratory research report provides insights into the supply chain of building products imported into New Zealand.
Building Consent System Performance Monitoring - Quarterly update
This report establishes consistent monitoring on the performance of the building consent system, with a particular focus on building consent and code compliance certificate timeframes. The data shown here is as reported by Building Consent Authorities (BCAs).
Digital Compliance for Low-Risk Plumbing and Drainlaying Work Pilot - Evaluation Findings
This report summarises the evaluation of a Pilot project focused on using the BRANZ Artisan tool for the creation of digital records of low-risk plumbing and drainlaying (plumbing) work.