International engagement
Our international engagement programme includes visits to, and discussions with other national space agencies, potential investors and entrepreneurs and other government regulators.
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Artemis Accords
New Zealand has joined an international arrangement to co-operate with NASA on peaceful exploration and activity in outer space.
The Artemis Accords set principles
- around the peaceful exploration of space, transparency, inter-operability, release of scientific data, safe and sustainable use of resources, safe disposal of debris, and prevention of harmful interference in other’s activities, amongst other principles.
- to guide space exploration cooperation, in particular in support of NASA’s Artemis program to return humans to the Moon in 2024, and explore Mars and beyond. The Accords align with New Zealand’s fundamental principles of peaceful international cooperation.
One issue the Accords deals with is space resource utilisation. The ability to use space resources (the mineral resources in and on the moon and other celestial bodies) is critical to enable the next phase of space exploration, including to the possibility of sending humans to Mars. Recent technological advances have made space resource utilisation feasible which has increased states interest in addressing it in national policy and regulation. Given the increasing importance of this issue, space resource utilisation needed to be considered alongside our membership in the Accords.
Video Transcript
More information on the Artemis Accords and New Zealand’s position on Space Resource Utilisation is available below:
U.S. – New Zealand Space Dialogue
In 2024 we took part in a bilateral Space Dialogue with the United States Government. Representatives from both governments discussed how we can strengthen our existing bilateral space cooperation.
A joint statement on the U.S. - New Zealand Space Dialogue(external link) — United States Department of State
New Zealand – UK arrangement on in-orbit servicing and active debris removal
In 2024 we signed an arrangement with the UK Space Agency to enable two novel space activities, active debris removal (ADR) and in-orbit servicing (IOS). ADR and IOS have important applications in improving the sustainability and safety of Earth orbit – enabling the removal of space debris and extending the life of satellites already in space so that there are fewer defunct satellites in orbit. The novelty and complexity of ADR and IOS space missions poses challenges for the application of international rules and guidelines, particularly if launched and operated by more than one country.
Our arrangement with the UK Space Agency describes how New Zealand and the UK would work together on joint ADR and IOS missions, by establishing principles and guidance to reduce legal, policy, and regulatory barriers associated with multi-state ADR and IOS missions.
Zero Debris Charter
In 2024, New Zealand signed up to the Zero Debris Charter. The Charter, developed by the European Space Agency, is an international effort to become ‘debris neutral’ in space by 2030. The principles set out in the Zero Debris Charter are focused on minimising the generation of space debris, mitigating risks associated with space debris, including to the Earth environment, and collaborative efforts to improve understanding of space debris and its impact.
The Zero Debris Charter(external link) – European Space Agency
Space forums
We’ve joined international space forums such as the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS).
UN space treaties
New Zealand is already a party to 4 United Nations space treaties:
- The Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies (the Outer Space Treaty), which was ratified by New Zealand in 1968.
- The Agreement on the Rescue of Astronauts, the Return of Astronauts and the Return of Objects Launched into Outer Space (the Rescue Agreement), which was ratified by New Zealand in 1969.
- The Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects (the Liability Convention), which was ratified by New Zealand in 1974.
- The Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (the Registration Convention), which New Zealand acceded to in 2018.
The documents below provide more information on these treaties.
Accession to the United Nations Convention on Registration of Objects launched into Outer Space [PDF 558KB]
National interest analysis: proposed accession to the Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired, or Otherwise Print Disabled [PDF 341KB]
United Nations Convention on Registration of Objects launched into Outer Space: proposed accession [PDF 585KB]
Membership of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space - COPUOS [PDF 2.1MB]
Bilateral and technology safeguards agreements
We have bilateral agreements with the United States Government and with the European Space Agency.
The European Space Agency/New Zealand Arrangement [PDF, 138 KB]
We’ve signed a bilateral agreement with the United States (US) Government for space launches using US technology in New Zealand, called the Technology Safeguards Agreement (TSA). This agreement enables commercial entities in New Zealand to import rocket launch technology and satellites from the US.
The Technology Safeguards Agreement (TSA) [PDF, 118 KB]
Under the agreement, New Zealand agencies preserve their full existing powers and functions, such as border control, health and safety, and accident investigation, by way of a Side Arrangement.
The Technology Safeguards Agreement Side Arrangement [PDF, 100 KB]
The TSA adds another strand to our close and long-standing relationship with the US, and opens the door for US space businesses to consider New Zealand as a business location.