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We support the Government to deliver an immigration system that functions well within wider labour market, economic, community and security contexts. This includes matching the skills and talents people bring to the skills New Zealand needs, enabling New Zealand’s security, and supporting our international relationships and important trade markets.
From time to time we seek public comment on a specific issue through a formal consultation process.
Since it began in 2007, the Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) Scheme has enabled employers in the horticulture and viticulture sector to recruit an annually capped number of seasonal workers from eligible Pacific Island countries to plant, maintain, harvest, or pack crops.
We are changing the way employers recruit some migrants for temporary work in New Zealand.
New Zealand Government’s official immigration website.
Visit to find out how to apply for a visa or NZeTA, employ migrant workers, and assist students and refugees. You can also find out what you need to do to give immigration advice, and get information for medical professionals, carriers, and tourism and event organisations.
New measures have come into force on 1 July 2021 to better protect migrants from exploitation.
This section contains the most recent editions of our set of ongoing migration monitoring reports.
- Migration data explorer (MDE)
- Migrant Employment Data
- Migrant Youth Information Project
- Migration Trends report
- Pacific Migrants Trends report
- Regional Migration Trends report
- Immigration New Zealand advisers' survey
- Migrants' settlement experiences and community attitudes
- Community Organisation Refugee Sponsorship Category Evaluation
- Welcoming Communities Pilot Programme Evaluation
- Samoan Quota and Pacific Access Category settlement information pilot evaluation
- Three Years On: English and employment outcomes of former refugees
- Global impact visa evaluation reports
The Migrant Community Reference Group (the Group) is a dedicated forum for the Minister of Immigration to engage with perspectives from New Zealand’s migrant communities.
We proactively release Cabinet papers and supporting advice on our policy work.
The Our Future Services programme will deliver a more cost-effective immigration system that is more productive, more effective at managing immigration risk, and provides a better experience for our customers and staff.