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Employment and skills
- Employment Action Plan
- Employment Strategy 2019
- Fair Pay Agreements legislation
- Health and safety
Employment legislation reviews
- Employment Relations Act 2000 amendments
- Holidays Act reform
- Increasing the minimum sick leave entitlement
- Workplace relations in the screen industry
- Forced Labour Protocol
- Extending paid parental leave
- Equal Pay Amendment Act
- Law change for Easter Sunday shop trading
- Employment Standards Legislation Act
- Proposed Accident Compensation Appeal Tribunal
- Accident compensation dispute resolution review
- Reviewing regulated ACC payments for treatment
- Employment Relations Amendment Act
- Minimum wage reviews
- Sex work in New Zealand
- Changes to the process for setting pay for Members of Parliament
- Security officers – additional employment protections
- Matariki
- Updating Accident Compensation Review Costs Regulations
- Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Day
- Changes to ACC’s Accredited Employers Programme
- Review framework for list of occupational diseases
- Contractor work in Aotearoa New Zealand
- Support workers – request for additional employment protections
- Changes to ACC regulations for Chinese medicine, paramedics and audiometrists
- Accident Compensation (Interest on Instalments) Amendment Act
- Setting the average ACC levy rates for 2025/26, 2026/27, and 2027/28
- Our international labour relations
- Labour market reports, data and analysis
- Future of Work Tripartite Forum
- NZ Industrial Relations Foundation
- Plan of action against forced labour, people trafficking and slavery
- Employment website
- Regional Skills Leadership Groups
- Discussion document: NZ Income Insurance Scheme summary
Health and safety
A high-performing health and safety regulatory system contributes to our goal of healthy, safe and fulfilling work for all New Zealand workers, and to grow New Zealand for all.
On this page
Alongside WorkSafe New Zealand, we work to achieve this through these main pieces of work.
In this section
Health and safety at work strategy
The strategy sets out the Government’s vision on improving health and safety at work across New Zealand from 2018 to 2028.
Health and safety reform
We ensure that the regulations that govern health and safety are effective, clear, and work as intended.
Energy safety
We administer the safety-related provisions of the Electricity Act 1992 and Gas Act 1992 and associated safety regulations.
The Royal Commission on Pike River
The Royal Commission on the Pike River Coal Mine Tragedy and the Independent Taskforce on Workplace Health and Safety recommended changes to health and safety at work.
Health and safety consultations
This page lists our consultations relating to health and safety.
Targeted review of adventure activities
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) has undertaken a targeted review of the health and safety regulatory regime for adventure activities, looking at how it operates when activities take place in naturally-hazardous environments.
Independent reviews of WorkSafe
Independent reviews of WorkSafe in relation to Whakaari/White Island and a Strategic Baseline review, assessing whether WorkSafe is managing its resources efficiently and effectively are available here.