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NZSpaceTalk keeps you updated on developments in the sector - including new technologies, what NZ researchers and students are up to, and guest pieces from thought leaders and industry.
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International research projects
In October 2018, MBIE and the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) signed a Letter of Intent at the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) to enable joint research collaboration, focused on space systems, earth observation technologies and applications, transport technologies and energy technologies.
Space innovation
Space sector research, developments and technologies that are transforming the New Zealand and international space sector.
- Air NZ on board with new climate change research
- Aotearoa New Zealand embarks on ambitious new space research
- Space Institute Director concerned over space debris
- University partners with industry to grow space workforce
- New Zealand company designs world-leading space radar structure
- New social enterprise helping to democratise space
- Awarua’s “Dishmaster” explains the importance of satellite ground stations
- University club helps launch students into aerospace careers
- Christchurch meet-ups foster growth in aerospace industry
- Tracking seals from outer space
- Callaghan Innovation – breakthrough research in the manufacture of tiny sensors
- Dawn Aerospace - increasing NZ space flight
- News from a NASA intern
Cool stuff for schools
Information about space events for students across Aotearoa, competitions, and educational resources.
NASA interns' vlogs
Watch vlogs from New Zealand students on the internship of a lifetime.
View of the South Island of New Zealand from the International Space Station

SI116E05983 | Photo credit: NASA