MBIE Code of Conduct 2015
Published: 8 Aug 2023MBIE staff, contractors and consultants are bound by the standards outlined in the MBIE Code of Conduct (the Code).
PDF, 240KB, 10 pages
MBIE staff, contractors and consultants are bound by the standards outlined in the MBIE Code of Conduct (the Code).
MBIE staff, contractors and consultants are bound by the standards outlined in the MBIE Code of Conduct (the Code).
PDF, 240KB, 10 pages
The Code focuses on acting fairly, impartially, responsibly and in a trustworthy manner, all of which are key to our work as public servants.
The Code aligns with relevant employment agreements, legislation, other internal policies and Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission’s Standards of Integrity and Conduct:
Integrity and conduct(external link) — Public Service Commission, Te Kawa Mataaho
The Code applies to (and creates enforceable obligations on the part of) all MBIE employees, including managers, people working on a full time, part time or temporary or casual basis and covers locally engaged employees working offshore. It should be read in conjunction with employment agreements and MBIE’s policies and procedures.
The Code also applies to MBIE’s consultants and contractors and will form part of those contractual arrangements to the extent specified in the contract between that person/company and MBIE.
Breaches of the Code may, following investigation, result in disciplinary action, up to and including a first formal warning; a final warning or dismissal either with or without notice.
If you have any questions about this Code or what might be considered unacceptable behaviour under the Code or before you take a course of action that you are not entirely sure complies with the Code, please discuss these with your manager. If you are aware of behaviour occurring within MBIE that could contravene the Code, you must also raise this with your manager or another appropriate person.
As a state servant you are also expected to read, understand and adhere to:
Integrity and conduct(external link) — Public Service Commission, Te Kawa Mataaho
The following requirements are not an exhaustive list. Breaches of these requirements may amount to misconduct or serious misconduct depending on the nature and severity of a breach.
We strive to make a positive difference to the well-being of New Zealand and all New Zealanders:
We work to make our services accessible, efficient and effective for all:
We respect the backgrounds, differences and perspectives of all those with whom we work and serve:
We share our knowledge, experience and information to help others to be successful:
We act in the public interest and with a spirit of service to the community:
We respect the authority of current and future governments:
We accept that our official responsibilities may affect the ways we engage in activities outside of work:
We are inclusive, respectful and responsive in our dealings with all people regardless of their position, personal characteristics or situation:
We carry out MBIE’s functions and provide impartial, robust and comprehensive advice and delivery of service that is unaffected by personal interest, values, beliefs and/or political bias:
We act professionally at work and in our dealings with those with whom we work and serve:
We strive to improve MBIE’s performance and efficiency:
We are mindful that MBIE’s resources are publicaly owned and funded and we will act responsibly in our use and management of them:
We are professional and objective in our language, actions and interactions:
We listen to and provide feedback openly, reconsider the ways ‘we have always done it’ and where appropriate suggest new ways of doing things:
We act lawfully:
We treat information with care, and use and disclose it only for its intended purpose:
We work to the best of our ability at all times:
We ensure our actions are not affected by our personal interests or relationships:
We undertake personal and professional development to improve the performance of ourselves and MBIE:
We are open with MBIE and disclose any commercial activities, financial, employment, personal interests or relationships that might cause an actual, perceived or potential conflict of interest:
We act with fairness, impartiality, courtesy, integrity and honesty in everything we do:
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