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Economic growth
- Going For Growth
Circular Economy and Bioeconomy
- Emerging and future platforms in New Zealand’s bioeconomy
- Impacts of circular approaches on emissions, jobs, and other factors
- Barriers, enablers and approaches for a more circular economy
- International developments and implications for Aotearoa New Zealand
- Digital technologies, digital twins
- Mapping emissions and waste data in the manufacturing sector
- Situational analysis of New Zealand’s bioeconomy
- Digital Policy
- Growing the food and beverage sector
- Long-term insights briefings
- Major events
- Māori economic development
- Promoting financial literacy and capability in Pacific communities
- Regional economic development
- Screen sector
- Te Ōhanga Māori - The Māori Economy
- Tūhoe economic worldview: mapping to an orthodox framework
- Previous Economic Development work
Growing the food and beverage sector
New Zealand is a major food and beverage exporter, with the industry accounting for 46% of all goods and services exports.
On this page

In this section
Food and Beverage Information Project
The Food and Beverage Project publishes comprehensive, data-driven reports on the current and evolving state of New Zealand's food and beverage sector.
Food Innovation Network
The New Zealand Food Innovation Network provides food development facilities to help businesses develop, test and prove new products, and trial new equipment.
Useful links
The Situation and Outlook for Primary Industries:(external link) information on the performance of NZ’s primary sectors
Primary Growth Partnership:(external link) information on primary sector innovation
Fresh Facts:(external link) horticultural industry stats, including the wine, fruit, vegetable, and ornamental sectors
New Zealand Food Composition Database:(external link) an open access national database of foods and nutrients.