Open government and official information

We are committed to open government and improving practices around the proactive release and publishing of official information.

We recognise that the Official Information Act (OIA) plays a significant part in New Zealand’s constitutional framework and enables New Zealanders to have access to information that supports their participation in government.

The proactive release of official information is another element that helps build trust and confidence in government.

This is a new part of the our website and not all portfolios currently have content. We will add more information over time as the site is developed.

In this section

Transparency Statement

Information gathering for regulatory compliance, law enforcement and protective security purposes

Data sharing

MBIE shares data with domestic and international agencies to support and sustain good public services for New Zealanders.

Published Official Information Act requests

Responses to selected OIA requests received by us.

Make a request for official information

Make an online request to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment under the Official Information Act (OIA).