Our regulatory regime
Our regulatory regime supports the growth of a safe, responsible, and secure space industry that meets our international obligations and manages any liability arising from our obligations as a launching state.
On this page
The Act
The Outer Space and High-altitude Activities Act 2017 (the Act) regulates launches into outer space, launch facilities, high-altitude vehicles (HAVs), and payloads. It is administered by the New Zealand Space Agency within the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.
The Act describes when licences and permits are required, how they are issued, and what conditions they may include. It explains the purposes of regulation in this area, including facilitating the development of a space sector, ensuring safe and secure operations, implementing international obligations, managing liability, and preserving national security and national interests.
To see the Act and other documents regarding its origins and its continued evolution, see below:
Outer Space and High-altitude Activities Act 2017(external link) — New Zealand Legislation
Outer Space and High Activities Bill(external link) — New Zealand Legislation
The Scope of Space Policy and a Lead Space Agency [PDF 629KB]
Scope of Space Policy and Lead Space Agency [PDF 575KB]
Outer Space and High Altitude Activities Bill: Final Policy Decisions [PDF 620KB]
Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS): Outer Space and High Altitude
Activities Bill [PDF 625KB] -
Regulatory impact statement: The Outer Space and High-altitude Activities Act 2017 Regulations [PDF 414KB]
Review of the Outer Space and High-altitude Activities Act 2017 - terms of reference [PDF 209KB]
Statutory Review of the Outer Space and High-Altitude Activities Act 2017 [PDF 820KB]
The Regulations
The Outer Space and High-altitude Activities (Licences and Permits) Regulations 2017 (the Regulations) set out the requirements for various licences and permits.
The regulations identify the detailed information required of all applicants, as well as the specific information that is required for each licence or permit type.
There is another set of regulations that clarifies which vehicles are considered HAVs. This is called the Outer Space and High-altitude Activities (Definition of High-altitude Vehicle) Regulations 2017.
Outer Space and High-altitude Activities (Licences and Permits) Regulations 2017(external link) — New Zealand Legislation
Outer Space and High-altitude Activities (Definition of High-altitude Vehicle) Regulations 2017(external link)— New Zealand Legislation
Further guidance
The New Zealand Space Agency provides guidance about the information that is needed for certain licenced or permitted activities.
Guidance is available on these topics:
NZSA Safety Case Guidance [PDF 932KB]
Orbital Debris Mitigation - Operational Policy [PDF 223KB]
Liability Indemnity and Insurance Operational Policy [PDF 181KB]
Operational Policy: Technical Capability - New Zealand Space Agency [PDF 360KB]
Payloads of a size less than 1U - Operational Policy [PDF 336KB]
Active Debris Removal and On-Orbit Servicing Missions: Operational Policy [PDF 211KB]