Low emissions economy

This section is about our work to improve energy efficiency, including lowering greenhouse gas emissions and fostering growth in renewable energy.

Environmental management work

The Ministry for the Environment is the government's principal adviser on environmental and climate change issues. However, we also contribute to the development of environmental and climate change policies because of their relevance to energy efficiency and resource development, including:

International case studies: regulatory policy solutions to support public electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure

The Baringa report was commissioned by MBIE to support advice to government on measures to support public EV charging.

Baringa is an international consultancy with expertise in the energy sector, network regulation, and policy measures in place to support transport and low emissions transition objectives. The report presents international case studies describing how the United Kingdom and Australia are managing the transition towards EVs and supporting public EV charging infrastructure, with a focus on regulatory policy solutions. The report was commissioned to generate ideas and options that could be considered in New Zealand based on best practice and lessons learned from overseas jurisdictions.

See the full report here: 

Baringa EV international case studies report [PDF, 2 MB]

In this section

Emissions Reduction Plan

New Zealand is on the path to a low emissions, climate resilient future. Government has set into law a target for net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 (other than for biogenic methane). The Emissions Reduction Plan is one mechanism we are using to focus our collective efforts toward transitioning to a more resilient, low emissions economy.

Energy efficiency in New Zealand

We’re responsible for advising the Government on energy efficiency policy for New Zealand and we are currently trialling a new renewable energy initiative that aims to improve energy affordability. EECA is responsible for implementing programmes to improve the energy efficiency of New Zealand homes and business.

Decarbonising process heat

We are working with the Ministry for the Environment and the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority to reduce emissions from the industry sector and process heat through energy efficiency and fuel switching.

NZ Battery Project

The NZ Battery Project was set up in 2020 to explore possible renewable energy storage solutions for when our hydro lakes run low for long periods. A pumped hydro scheme at Lake Onslow was one of the options being explored. The Government stopped the Lake Onslow investigations in late 2023.

Carbon capture and storage

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is the process to remove carbon dioxide, from waste gases produced in large-scale industrial processes and permanently store it underground.

Last updated: 13 February 2024