New Zealand government procurement open data

New Zealand award notice data published by government agencies on the Government Electronic Tender Service (GETS).

Data is provided for provided for the period 1 July 2019 to 1 October 2024. The report is updated quarterly.

Data is also provided for the period 29 July 2014 (the date of the first award notice on GETS) to 30 June 2019. This is a stand-alone 'historic data' report – separate from our quarterly updated report.  

To make this data open and more usable we consulted with stakeholders and agreed the format for these reports. A schema is also provided to help you navigate and interpret the data. 

Please note, the file format does not support number format types. To view the full New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) you will need to change the ‘Supplier NZBN’ field to a number.

Providing this information as open data fulfils one of New Zealand's commitments under the Open Government Partnership and the related National Action Plan 2018–2020.

Data files

GETS award notices [CSV, 16 MB]

GETS region by tender [CSV, 719 KB]

GETS supplier data [CSV, 1.9 MB]

GETS product categories [CSV, 2 MB]

GETS schema and documentation [XLSX, 13 KB] 

Historic data files

GETS award notices historic [CSV, 7.3 MB]

GETS region by tender historic [CSV, 349 KB]

GETS supplier data historic [CSV, 745 KB] 

GETS product categories historic [CSV, 989 KB] 

Related information

Government Procurement Rules(external link)

Open Government Partnership(external link)

National Action Plan 2018-2020(external link)

Contact us

If you have any feedback or an enquiry about the open data report, contact us at New Zealand Government Procurement(external link).

For further information about specific award notices please contact the relevant government agency. 

Last updated: 08 October 2024