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Language Assistance Services. Operational policy for New Zealand public sector agencies and those t...

Published: 5 Jul 2024

This document is the culmination of a multi-year, multi-agency work programme to increase the quality, quantity and accessibility of Language Assistance Services in Aotearoa New Zealand. It provides an overview of the operational policy requirements as well as best practice guidelines for public sector agencies and the services that they fund.




PDF, 1.7MB, 67 pages

Electricity Demand and Generation Scenarios: Results summary July 2024

Published: 3 Jul 2024

This report presents results of the 2024 Electricity Demand and Generation Scenarios (EDGS) modelling performed by the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE). The purpose of EDGS is to enable the Commerce Commission to assess Transpower’s planning proposals for future capital expenditure on the electricity transmission grid.




PDF, 1.9MB, 52 pages