The guidelines project

The third component of the Language Assistance Services programme was the development of the cross-agency Language Assistance Services Operational Policy for New Zealand Public Sector Agencies and those they fund (2024) (‘the Guidelines’) to address barriers and improve quality, quantity, and accessibility, and support agencies who utilize language support in service delivery.

Operational policy and guidelines for public sector agencies 

This Language Assistance Services – Operational Policy for New Zealand Public Sector Agencies and Those They Fund 2024 document is the culmination of a multi-year, multi-agency work programme to increase the quality, quantity and accessibility of Language Assistance Services in Aotearoa New Zealand. It provides an overview of the operational policy requirements as well as best practice guidelines for public sector agencies and the services that they fund.

These guidelines were developed over 2022 and 2023 through significant engagement with high-use agencies before being taken to the Language Assistance Services Programme Inter-Agency Working Group for further feedback. The Guidelines were endorsed by the Senior Officials Group responsible for the oversight of the New Zealand Migrant Settlement Integration Strategy and the New Zealand Refugee Resettlement Strategy in mid-2024.

Last updated: 27 July 2024