Financial markets conduct regulation

We provide policy advice on a range of issues relating to the financial markets conduct regulatory system.

We provide policy advice in the following areas of financial markets conduct regulation:

Financial Markets Conduct Act

Regulation of financial advice

Insurance contract law

KiwiSaver Act — Part 4

International financial reforms

We are also the monitoring agency for the Financial Markets Authority and the Commission for Financial Capability.

Crown Entities we monitor

Legislation we administer

In this section

2024-25 Capital Markets Reforms

The Government is progressing reforms to strengthen New Zealand’s capital markets. The reforms focus on growing a productive economy by making adjustments to market settings to remove unnecessary compliance costs for businesses ensure the sector keeps up with international competitors, and help Kiwis access good jobs and rising real income.

Financial Markets Conduct Act

The Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (FMC Act) governs how financial products are offered, promoted, issued and sold, and the ongoing responsibilities of those who offer, issue, manage, supervise, deal in, and trade them. The FMC Act also regulates the provision of certain financial services (including financial advice services) and the conduct of financial institutions.

Crown entities we monitor

We monitor the Financial Markets Authority and Te Ara Ahunga Ora Retirement Commission


MBIE is responsible for administering certain aspects of the KiwiSaver Act 2006.

International financial reforms

We are completing work that may result in changes in New Zealand in response to various international financial market reforms.

Insurance contract law review

From 2018 to 2024, we held a review into New Zealand's insurance contract law to ensure it facilitates well-functioning insurance markets.

Last updated: 13 December 2024