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Talking points for maintaining MIQ in the short-term and National Quarantine System papers for SWC o...

Published: 15 Nov 2022

Update on changes made to two draft Cabinet papers: Maintaining MIQ in the short-term and A national quarantine system: decisions about quarantine options for the ongoing COVID-19 response and for future pandemic preparedness, and provide talking points for both papers for the Social Wellbeing Committee meeting on Wednesday 8 December.


PDF, 210KB, 9 pages


Process for managing the impact of deferred implementation of Step One of Reconnecting New Zealander...

Published: 15 Nov 2022

Advises the impact of the recent decisions to lengthen the MIQ stay for border arrivals to ten days and the deferral of the implementation of Step One of Reconnecting New Zealand, including seeking in-principle decisions on options to manage the impact on people who had planned travel to New Zealand after 11:59pm on 16 January.




PDF, 366KB, 12 pages
