2. Connecting | Te tūhonohono
He aha te mea nui o te ao?
He tāngata! He tāngata! He tāngata!
What is the most important thing in the world?
It is people! It is people! It is people!
On this page
This chapter provides insights on:
- Building relationships
- Developing a leadership group
- Facilitating
- Caring
- Building support
In this section
Building relationships
Collective action requires strong relationships based on trust and shared understanding.
Developing a leadership group
All over Aotearoa New Zealand people are stepping up to lead or help lead a transition in their community.
Facilitation is about supporting groups to work cooperatively and effectively together and involving all participants in a meaningful way.
Transitions can feel threatening to people. Seeking to understand and meet the concerns and needs of those involved will help build enduring support for constructive action.
Building support
Building support requires engaging the persuadables while supporting the willing.