Consumer Law Reform Additional Paper, December 2010: Unsolicited goods and services
Published: 1 Dec 2010Discusses the feedback received during the Consumer Law Reform consultation about unsolicited goods and services.
PDF, 66KB, 7 pages
Discusses the feedback received during the Consumer Law Reform consultation about unsolicited goods and services.
PDF, 66KB, 7 pages
An analysis of auction regulation, and recommendations for regulating auctions and auctioneers, following the submissions on the topic from the Consumer Law Reform consultation
PDF, 213KB, 31 pages
An analysis of the proposition that the Fair Trading Act should be amended to include provisions relating to substantiation, whether regulatory intervention is necessary and whether the current information request provisions provided in the FTA are sufficient.
PDF, 133KB, 15 pages
Noting the Cabinet Economic Growth and Infrastructure Committee's agreement to various amendments to consumer laws, following the Consumer Law Reform process.
PDF, 63KB, 9 pages
Discusses the impact of the proposed changes to consumer law, following the Consumer Law Reform process.
PDF, 213KB, 32 pages
Further analysis of regulation of layby sales in the Fair Trading Act 1986, which was an option suggested in the Consumer Law Reform consultation.
PDF, 112KB, 13 pages
Discusses feedback around whether to include a purpose clause in the Fair Trading Act 1986, received during the Consumer Law Reform consultation.
PDF, 68KB, 5 pages
Discusses the application of the unconscionable conduct provisions in the Australian Trade Practices Act 1974, which were discussed as part of the 2010 review of consumer law.
PDF, 131KB, 16 pages
Analyses the idea of including unfair contract terms provisions in the Fair Trading Act, which was discussed as part of the 2010 review of consumer law.
PDF, 123KB, 18 pages
Summarises the public submissions made to the 2010 review of consumer law.
PDF, 82KB, 13 pages
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