International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy Review 2024

Submissions closed: 11 June 2024, 5pm

In May and June 2024 we consulted on proposed changes to the International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy (IVL). All submissions provide us with valuable insight to inform our ongoing work programme.

We plan to analyse submissions and publish a summary report of the key themes.

We will provide further updates on our next steps in due course.

What we consulted on

The Government is seeking feedback on whether to increase the $35 International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy (IVL). There was no proposal to change who pays the IVL. MBIE also sought feedback on what IVL revenue is used for across tourism and conservation.

The Government believes too many costs imposed by international visitors are paid by taxpayers and ratepayers and wishes to explore raising the IVL amount to help visitors contribute more fairly towards the services they use in New Zealand.

The IVL was established in 2019 to support a sustainable tourism system in which international visitors contribute to the costs of tourism. 5 years after its introduction, it was time to review the $35 amount.

4 different IVL options were proposed:

  • It remains at $35
  • Increasing it by $15 to $50
  • Increasing it by $35 to $70
  • Increasing it by $65 to $100

Feedback was also sought on funding and investment options across the tourism and conservation portfolios.

Consultation closed on 11 June 2024, 5:00pm. You can still view the consultation document below:

Note: we have updated some figures in table 2 of the discussion document, since the document was first published.


MBIE hosted 2 public webinars to provide context and information for the public about the proposed IVL changes. The webinars explained the consultation process and provided a high-level summary of the proposed increases and investment priorities MBIE consulted on.

Watch a recording of the first webinar:


MBIE will analyse the submissions we received and publish a summary of them on our website.

Last updated: 11 June 2024