Govt releases vision for New Zealand’s digital connectivity future
Published: 02 December 2022
The Government has released a new 10-year vision for digital connectivity networks. ‘Lifting Connectivity in Aotearoa’ outlines a vision for the future of digital connectivity networks across the motu and sets an ambition to improve access to connectivity networks for more Kiwis.
Lifting Connectivity in Aotearoa is a long-term strategy that sets out the objectives, priorities and principles that will guide government’s future connectivity actions and initiatives, with a particular focus on connectivity networks in rural and remote areas.
This will be a living document that continues to evolve as new and emerging digital technologies and connectivity becomes available. It will be reviewed within 5 years to ensure it remains relevant to current issues and new technology.
Lifting Connectivity in Aotearoa sits underneath the broader Digital Strategy for Aotearoa.
Lifting Connectivity in Aotearoa
Read the Minister’s PR on the Beehive website:
More rural broadband for regional communities(external link)
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