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New analysis shows 110,000 households unable to afford to heat their homes 27 June 2023

About 110,000 households could not afford to keep their homes adequately warm for the year ending June 2022, with Māori and Pacific households, renters and low-income households more likely to experience energy hardship, analysis released today shows.

Have your say on the future of the electricity sector 04 May 2023

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is asking for feedback on a set of draft assumptions about the future state of the electricity system, as part of the process for preparing our regular Electricity Demand and Generation Scenarios (EDGS) publication.

Electric Vehicle charging strategy: Charging our future 22 March 2023

The Ministry of Transport and MBIE are running a consultation on a draft Electric Vehicle charging strategy: Charging Our Future. The strategy sets out the Government’s long-term strategic vision for Aotearoa New Zealand’s national Electric Vehicle charging infrastructure system.

NZ Battery Project moves to next phase 16 March 2023

The Government has announced it will progress to the next stage of the NZ Battery Project, looking in more detail at the viability of pumped hydro as well as an alternative, multi-technology approach.

Government supports more energy-saving projects to help more Kiwis save money 30 November 2022

Helping households to reduce their energy bills and make their homes warmer and more energy-efficient, is the key focus of a further 17 community projects receiving $1.7 million funding through the Government’s Support for Energy Education in Communities (SEEC) Programme.

Moving towards a low emissions Aotearoa, together 16 November 2022

The Government is asking for public input as part of its goal of ensuring Aotearoa’s transition to a low emissions future is fair and inclusive for all New Zealanders.

Stage set for New Zealand’s landmark energy strategy 21 October 2022

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment has published the terms of reference for the New Zealand Energy Strategy, setting out government ambitions and next steps for transitioning the energy system to a high performing, low emissions future.

Energy data shows continued growth in renewables 08 September 2022

The renewable share of electricity generation continues to grow, according to data published today by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.

New round of Māori housing fund sees a boost in solar tech, cost savings 01 September 2022

16 small scale solar projects, receiving a total of $3 million in government funding today, will deliver cost savings and clean, affordable and locally generated power for 150 Māori households.

Energy in New Zealand 2022 shows a strong share of renewable energy 18 August 2022

The share of energy supply from renewables is at a record 30-year high, an annual Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) report into the energy sector shows.