Latest COVID-19 economic data
MBIE is sourcing, analysing and interpreting a wide range of data for sectors and regions as part of the response to COVID-19.
On this page
MBIE's analysis and interpretation uses historical data to understand context as well as incorporating novel data sources available in real time. A range of resources are compiled to support policy advice and monitoring and provide the evidence base for the recovery phase.
Resources linked here will be the latest available and updated as new information comes to hand and efforts allow.
Consumer spend
The COVID-19 Consumer Spend dashboard(external link) was developed by MBIE to help users understand the impact of COVID-19 on consumer spending in NZ over time. The data comes from Marketview who provide MBIE with the underlying data for the Monthly Regional Tourism Estimates (MRTEs).
The dashboard contains weekly consumer spend data that indicates change in expenditure patterns in the economy, and online spending data sourced from BNZ card holders showing how online spend has changed relative to physical spend (spending in person).

Chart of Weekly ECT spend change vs last year. Example of the charts available on the dashboard.
Please take note of the caveats within the dashboard.
The workforce under Alert Levels 4 and 3
This factsheet contains MBIE’s updated estimates of the size and characteristics of the workforce under COVID-19 Alert Levels 4 and 3 in 2021. This includes estimates of the number of workers going out to work, working from home and unable to work, broken down by industry, region, gender and ethnicity, and a methodology section which details the changes from last year’s estimates.
Research and funding
In response to COVID-19, New Zealand’s Research, Science and Innovation (RSI) sector is undertaking research activity.
To make sure the sector is well coordinated, able to share ideas and work together, the New Zealand Research Information System (NZRIS) team is coordinating a central source of data about COVID-19 research and funding.
New Zealand Research Information System
This version of the database was updated on Thursday, 7 October 2021. The database holds a total of 267 records (75 funding records and 192 research activity records). 48 records now have ANZSRC details, and 28 records have associated output details creating a direct link from funding to output. The database is now able to show that out of 192 research activity records 16 are active 14 are completed 3 are partially completed 1 is cancelled and 158 are unknown.
This provides an example of the functionality that we will have across the RSI system once the New Zealand Research Information System is completed.
Access and find out how to contribute to the COVID-19 Research Database.