Sustainable and resilient economy transformation
The impacts of climate change and the need to significantly reduce emissions are likely to affect where New Zealanders live, how we live and work, and how we view and use our land and water.
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As well as climate change, global megatrends like ageing populations and technology change will result in major changes to the structure of the economy. New Zealand needs to better understand, and prepare for, these and other structural changes.
Policy work aimed at this economic transformation needs to be supported by a strong evidence base. To contribute to this evidence base, MBIE’s Chief Economist Unit is undertaking research under the theme ‘Transforming to a sustainable and resilient economy’.
You can find research papers under this theme below.
In this section
Resilience – definitions, concepts and measurement approaches
A literature review that examines key definitions, concepts and measurement approaches about 'resilience' as a backgrounder for policymakers and others interested in the topic.
Which analytical tools are suited to transformative change?
Examines which analytical tools are suited to 'transformative change' (forward-looking and transformative policies aimed at addressing challenges like climate change and involving changes to the structure of the economy).
How effective are resilience-focused policies?
Examines evidence about the effectiveness of policies aimed at enhancing the resilience of economic systems.