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Industry Transformation Plans
The Government committed to stopping ITPs as part of the National-Act Coalition Agreement and its 100-Day Plan.
ITPs were developed for 8 sectors: Advanced Manufacturing, Agritech, Construction, Digital Technologies, Fisheries, Food and Beverage, Forestry and Wood Processing and Tourism.
Work on Industry Transformation Plans has stopped, and the Government’s commitment completed.
What is an Industry Transformation Plan?
Industry Transformation Plans (ITPs) are a key mechanism for implementing the Government’s industry policy.
Created in partnership between business, workers, Māori, and Government, an Industry Transformation Plan sets an ambitious long-term vision for a transformed future for each sector and identifies actions partners can invest in that will drive a step change to realising it.
ITPs are focused on long-term transformation, and identify actions and initiatives for near-term implementation over 1 to 3 year periods.
Industries identified for the development of an Industry Transformation Plan are those with significant potential to contribute to a high productivity, high wage, lower emissions economy.
This might be through shifting an existing industry to higher value, shifting the performance of large and interconnected industries, or scaling up high potential industries to be a larger part of our future economy.
Related documents
A refreshed industry strategy in response to COVID-19 [PDF, 13 MB]
A refreshed industry strategy in response to COVID-19 – Minute of Decision [PDF, 420 KB]
Update on industry transformation plans [PDF, 2.2 MB]
Update on industry transformation plans - Minute of Decision [PDF, 194 KB]
Next steps on Industry Strategy [PDF, 356 KB]
Next steps on Industry Strategy: Minute of Decision [PDF, 171 KB]
Refocusing our approach to Industry Policy: Minute of Decision [PDF, 231 KB]