He mihi | Mihi from the co-chairs

Above: Co-chairs Karena Brown and Liz Brown.
Kei aku nui, kei aku rahi, tēnā koutou katoa i runga i ngā āhuatanga o te wā!
I runga anō i te mana o te RSLG, nō māua hoki te whiwhi ki te tuku atu i tenei Te Akunga Houhare Mahere ā-Rohe ki Waitaha.
Ko tā mātou kaupapa, he whakahihiko i ngā kōrero ā-rohe, me pēhea tā tātou o Waitaha nei tautoko, whakawhanake hoki i tō tātou akunga houhare – i naia tonu nei, ki tua hoki.
He mahere tēnei mā te rohe, nā te rohe tonu.
Tēnā koutou katoa
On behalf of the Waitaha Canterbury Regional Skills Leadership Group (RSLG), we are pleased to introduce the 2023 update of the Canterbury Regional Workforce Plan (RWP).
This document compliments, and should be read alongside, the inaugural Regional Workforce Plan that was released in 2022. It builds off the work the region has undertaken since the launch of that plan and it continues to be guided by our aspirations for Canterbury where:
- We have a workforce that has the right skills and capability to support Canterbury’s current and future labour market demands.
- Everyone has equitable access to the support needed to grow and navigate within the labour market in all stages of a working life.
- All of our workplaces are worker-friendly, safe, and inclusive, and so that both employees and employers can thrive.
This vision for the region puts people at the centre of everything we do as an RSLG. The 2023 update outlines the progress we have made as a region, whilst introducing new spotlight areas and actions we see as a priority.
We will continue to use this plan to bring change through influence, leadership, collaboration and coordination. We will provide leadership in the region by facilitating hui, and enabling and enhancing collaboration across industry, education providers and other stakeholders to progress our actions.
We aim to work alongside and strengthen the mahi already underway in our communities. We are continually looking for partners to work with as we seek to use every tool in our toolbox to ensure Canterbury’s labour market environment can progress towards our aspirations and enable all of us to thrive.
The process of developing this plan has again been one of partnership and collaboration. We are very grateful to our colleagues from iwi, industry, the education and training sector, membership bodies, trade unions, community and other enterprises who have participated in its development.
We look forward to continuing to partner with our national and regional stakeholders to enact change that delivers and supports better ways of meeting current and future skills and workforce needs for all of Canterbury.
Liz Brown
Ngāi Tahu/ Iwi Co-Chair
Karena Brown