Progress report: December 2022
Te Tai o Poutini West Coast Regional Workforce Plan sets out the actions for the RSLG. This update covers the actions that are the Group’s current focus for Year 1.
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This is the web version of the Te Tai Poutini West Coast Regional Skills Leadership Group Update for December 2022.
You can download the PDF version below.
Te Tai Poutini West Coast 6-monthly Progress update: December 2022 [PDF, 186 KB]
Message from the RSLG Co-Chairs
Lisa Tumahai and Graeme Neylon
Tēnā tatou katoa, it gives us great pleasure to update you on the progress made since the launch of our Regional Workforce Plan in July this year. We wish to acknowledge the huge contribution of all those across Te Tai Poutini who have joined with us to brainstorm, plan, and take a lead in progressing the Year 1 actions. Although we have made good progress there is still much to do over the next 6 months, and we have set ourselves some challenging actions to implement. Our aim is to continue working in partnership to help support and deliver great results for our region. In addition to working on our actions, we are continuing to gather information to understand future skills, training and labour demands across the Coast. We will be working closely with the relevant Workforce Development Councils and vocational training providers to ensure we provide accurate and timely advice to the Tertiary Education Commission.
Progress on actions from the Regional Workforce Plan
The Te Tai Poutini West Coast Regional Workforce Plan sets out the actions for the RSLG. This update covers the actions that are the Group’s current focus for Year 1.
Te Tai Poutini West Coast Regional Workforce Plan
1. Support the establishment of a Conservation and Biodiversity Academy/ Centre of Excellence across the Coast.
Key milestone:
The RSLG has connected with and engaged the key stakeholders involved in establishing the academy including the local polytechnic, the Department of Conservation and Development West Coast.
Anticipated outcome:
The Academy will support the current Jobs for Nature work and provide young people with the skills they need to meet the forecast job growth in this area.
2. Address and overcome barriers to our people obtaining driver licences
Key milestone:
A project team has been established and report completed that identifies regional information including current initiatives and barriers. A hui of key stakeholders was held to discuss barriers, initiatives, and next steps. With the spotlight on this issue, additional funding for the Salvation Army DL programme and a driving simulator has been secured.
Anticipated outcome:
More young people able to legally drive allowing them to access work, training, and education.
3. Investigate and build programmes and initiatives to develop work ready / soft skills for youth.
Key milestone:
A hui of key stakeholders was held in November 22 with a project plan developed and project leads identified. Research into soft skills and employability had been undertaken with the next steps to look at what is already on offer across the region.
Anticipated outcome:
Young people will have the soft skills they require to successfully participate in the workforce.
4. Build a more detailed regional picture of current and future labour and skills needs for Te Tai Poutini.
Key milestone:
Work has focused on connecting with the key sector leaders as well as the WDCs. A RSLG workshop confirmed the action required and a project lead has been identified.
Anticipated outcome:
The information will help identify skill demands to help ensure the region has the qualified workers to fill those jobs.
5. Support initiatives to retrain and redeploy workers into new businesses and industries.
Key milestone:
Key stakeholders/partners have been identified and are currently working with the RSLG to discuss current initiatives currently in place. A hui is planned in January 2023 to identify a combined approach.
Anticipated outcome:
Retrain workers to provide them with the skills to fill labour shortages in new and emerging industries.
6. Support the regional Education to Employment broker to coordinate engagement between careers advisers and employers in our priority sectors.
7. Encourage local employment through business mentor programmes and in school talks by businesses to showcase industries/career opportunities and highlight skills employers are looking for.
Key milestone:
- A working group has been established, an agreed project plan completed, and a lead appointed. The group is now focused on identifying new events across the region, ways of working smarter, and best ways to share the learnings.
- A report has been complied for the Raukawa RSLG Group that highlights transitions and pathways for students across the 4 regions.
Anticipated outcome:
Connection of employers, educators, and workers to future-proof thew West Coast labour market. Young people are aware of career and local employment opportunities and skill requirements and have an understanding of local businesses.
8. Explore and implement programmes to assist employers to develop skills in good employment practices.
Key milestone:
Scoping meetings have been held with several key stakeholders including Upskill, local businesses and Development West Coast. Work is ongoing to identify current training and support and how this can be rolled out to other businesses.
Anticipated outcome:
Building better workplaces to be more worker friendly, flexible, and inclusive.
9. Develop and share information with businesses about how workplaces can be more inclusive for Māori and their values.
Key milestone:
- A hui was held in September 2022 to identify the project lead and working group members. Several agencies and partners have been contacted to provide input and information as to current practices and initial thoughts on new ways of working.
- A report across the Raukawa Group on communicating with businesses is underway to be shared with the working group in Jan/Feb 2023.
Anticipated outcomes:
- Businesses gain a better understanding of Māori values and tikanga and implement practices to ensure workplaces are more inclusive.
- Māori achieve good employment outcomes.
Highlights from the last 6 months
The Te Tai Poutini West Coast Regional Workforce Plan (RWP) was successfully launched in Greymouth on 26 July 2022.
The RWP builds on the region’s economic strategy – Te Whanaketanga 2050. The focus of the RWP is to ensure everyone has access to the skills, education and training they need to find sustainable employment in the region, and that our businesses have access to the people they need to thrive. Hosted by Tai Poutini Polytechnic, the launch was well received with a range of regional representatives present, including the Greymouth and Buller Mayors. The RWP has generated plenty of conversation and media coverage across the region, with a number seeking to be part of the solutions and action subgroups going forward.
Te Whanaketanga 2050 [PDF, 1.0MB](external link) — Te Whanaketanga
Regional stakeholders are in one waka paddling in the same direction to achieve great outcomes for rangatahi.
Rangatahi in years 10 to 14 from across participating secondary schools in the West Coast region will continue to have access to pathways advisors in schools for another 6 months (until 30 June 2023) thanks to collective efforts of regional stakeholders.
Pathway advisors in schools support rangatahi with transition plans to either remain in education or transition to employment and training. Students are also supported to obtain their drivers licence and to have a strong understanding of what their pathway is once leaving school.
The good mahi from the pathways advisor pilot delivered in 2022 was recognised by Te Tai Poutini West Coast Regional Skills Leadership Group (RSLG), Development West Coast (DWC), Ministry of Social Development (MSD), Mayor Task Force for Jobs (MT4J) Grey, Westland and Buller Districts and together with participating secondary schools have been able to able to effect change to help support regional needs. Mayor Task Force for Jobs Grey, Westland and Buller Districts have confirmed they will fund the initiative for the first 6 months of 2023.
This initiative helps to address several challenges affecting youth in the region and supports our people into training and work - one of the key aims of Te Tai Poutini Regional Workforce Plan.
He aha te mea nui o te ao – he tangata he tangata
People are our greatest resource