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Regional economic resilience in New Zealand

Published: 20 May 2024

This paper provides descriptive analysis of regional economic resilience in New Zealand during the Global Financial Crisis and COVID-19 pandemic using an approach popularised by Martin, Sunley, Gardiner, & Tyler (2016). We focus on the resilience of regional labour markets, and complement this with analysis of regional labour reallocation, two regional case studies, and discussion of longer-term drivers of change in the regions and their implications for government.


PDF, 2.1MB, 62 pages

A snapshot of findings from the 2023 Kantar Public survey of Temporary Migrant Workers and Employers...

Published: 15 Apr 2024

This summary research report released in 2024 provides “snapshot findings” that summarise the full quantitative report findings for temporary migrant workers, employers of migrant workers, and all workers and employers in New Zealand. The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) commissioned Kantar Public (now Verian) to undertake this follow-up research from a quantitative study released in September 2022. To access the main report, search for: Temporary migrant worker exploitation research programme: quantitative findings – Wave 2 2023 (released 2024).


PDF, 1.6MB, 12 pages