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Government response to the New Zealand Productivity Commission's report on technological change and ...

Published: 29 Jun 2021

In March 2020, the Productivity Commission completed an inquiry into technological change and the future of work, which contained 35 findings and made 18 recommendations. In June 2021, the Government released its response to the Commission's recommendations.




PDF, 373KB, 13 pages

Child Protection Policy

Published: 21 Aug 2020

This document details MBIE’s commitment to ensuring the wellbeing and safety of children and young people who are receiving services from MBIE or from organisations funded or contracted by MBIE. In the delivery of its services, MBIE recognises that there is a genuine and significant opportunity to identify the abuse and neglect of children that might otherwise be undetected.




PDF, 310KB, 8 pages

The Impact of Research: Position paper - October 2019

Published: 2 Oct 2019

The purpose of this paper is to progress the research impact agenda in New Zealand. It does this by presenting an impact measurement framework, and establishing principles, definitions and measurement approaches. It also sets out MBIE’s expectations for public research funders, public research organisations and researchers.




PDF, 1.5MB, 29 pages