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Recent Migrant Victims of Family Violence Project 2019: Final report

Published: 9 Oct 2020

A cross-Immigration New Zealand (INZ) Victims of Family Violence Project was instigated to assess the effectiveness of INZ’s approach to both preventing and responding to family violence for recent migrants - people who have lived in New Zealand for five years or less. The Recent Migrant Victims of Family Violence Project 2019: Final report provides an account of the Project’s key phases and findings.


PDF, 733KB, 37 pages


Northland Shipyard & Floating Drydock Project Development Phase - Initial Report: October 2019

Published: 24 Sept 2020

"Due to the public interest in Northport’s Study to Establish a Ship Repair Facility in Northland, and following consultation with the applicant, the Provincial Development Unit (PDU) has decided to proactively release some material which relates to information already available in the public sphere. The application for a study to establish a ship repair facility in Northland made by Northport to the Provincial Growth Fund (PGF) was approved by decision makers."


PDF, 6MB, 87 pages