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The New Zealand Research Information System : Conceptual Framework

Published: 27 Aug 2018

The purpose of this document is to provide a high level view of key aspects of the design of the New Zealand Research Information System. It describes the scope of data NZRIS is designed to hold, sets out a common framework and vocabulary to describe the research, science and innovation system, and explains the approach to data transfer at a conceptual level. These provide the framework within which future data requirements and data standards for NZRIS will be developed.


PDF, 892KB, 46 pages

New Zealand Research Information System: Overview

Published: 27 Aug 2018

This document provides a high-level overview of the purpose, benefits and design of the New Zealand Research Information System (NZRIS). NZRIS is an information hub where people can easily find information about research, science and innovation (RS&I) in New Zealand.




PDF, 762KB, 39 pages