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APP 600: Additional Contract Details

Published: 13 Dec 2017

This form is used for applications made under the Outer Space and High-altitude Activities Act 2017 for which there are multiple instances of management, oversight or control of each high-altitude payload or its operation (including the ground segment) being contracted to another person




PDF, 679KB, 2 pages

Impact of science discussion paper: summary of submissions

Published: 29 Nov 2017

This document summarises the responses made in the 59 submissions received from research organisations, tertiary education organisations, sector and funding organisations, government agencies, the business sector, other organisations and individuals. The few significant differences observed between sectors have been noted.


PDF, 710KB, 36 pages

About the data

Published: 13 Oct 2017

Explains the various parameters and assumptions inherent in Who Got Funded, that lists science and innovation contracts funded by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.




PDF, 135KB, 3 pages