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Tourism satellite account 2022

Published: 20 Dec 2022

Tourism satellite account: Year ended March 2022 provides a picture of the role tourism plays in New Zealand, with information on the changing levels and impact of tourism activity. It presents information on tourism’s contribution to the New Zealand economy in terms of expenditure and employment. Results cover provisional figures for the year ended March 2022 and detailed results for 2021.




PDF, 1.5MB, 91 pages

Tourism funding toolkit

Published: 16 Aug 2022

Many councils feel strongly that they need to respond to tourism needs, and that in the absence of tools to directly monetise tourism activities, a shortfall or “funding gap” is created that falls on general ratepayers, and impacts on resources available for other services. This toolkit seeks to address some of these concerns and highlights a range of examples of funding tools that have been used by councils across New Zealand to fund tourism related infrastructure.




PDF, 3.1MB, 34 pages