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Wood processing factsheet

Published: 1 Oct 2018

This factsheet is part of a series on process heat and greenhouse gas emissions. In the wood processing sector, process heat is the heat used to produce hot water, steam or hot oil to make wood-based products. It is typically generated onsite using boilers, furnaces, or thermal oil heaters.


PDF, 1.1MB, 3 pages


Energy in New Zealand 18

Published: 1 Oct 2018

This report provides information about New Zealand’s oil and gas industry, the contribution it makes to our economy, and its potential to lift our living standards. It provides detailed modelling and analysis that show how the economy might benefit if another petroleum basin was developed in a similar way to the Taranaki basin.




PDF, 2.2MB, 60 pages


Electricity Price Review: First report - technical paper

Published: 7 Sept 2018

This paper is a companion to the review’s first report. It includes a technical discussion on: Pricing analysis comparing wholesale electricity prices against the cost of building new power stations; the financial performance of generators and retailers, and whether they have been making excessive profits; analysis of allocation of distribution costs between businesses and residential consumers; and technological advances in the sector, including case studies on hydrogen fuel cells, large scale batteries, electric vehicle recharging technology, and technology for managing electricity network costs.


PDF, 473KB, 20 pages


Electricity Price Review: first report for discussion

Published: 30 Aug 2018

This report contains the findings of review panel’s first phase of work, examining the state of New Zealand’s electricity sector. It explores competition and efficiency, reliability, fairness and affordability. It also considers environmental sustainability, the shift to renewable energy, and the impact of innovations on technology. The report was published to stimulate public discussion about the electricity sector during the first phase of the review.


PDF, 1.4MB, 87 pages


Electricity Authority note to Electricity Price Review

Published: 6 Jul 2018

The Electricity Authority is responsible for the rules on sharing out the $1 billion per year costs of building and running the national transmission grid (the transmission pricing methodology or TPM). This note sets out the Electricity Authority staff's views on regional inequalities under the current TPM.


PDF, 348KB, 2 pages
