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New Zealand Grocery Code of Conduct Consultation paper

Published: 6 Jul 2022

This consultation paper seeks feedback on the options for content of a Code. The paper provides a preliminary analysis of different options, including an assessment of each option against relevant criteria. The criteria, which are discussed below, will be used to identify the preferred options that are most likely to achieve the desired objective. Feedback from submitters will help MBIE to improve and finalise the preliminary analysis in this paper. The paper functions as an interim Regulatory Impact Analysis by weighing up the different policy options.


DOCX, 607KB, 70 pages

New Zealand Grocery Code of Conduct Consultation paper

Published: 6 Jul 2022

This consultation paper seeks feedback on the options for content of a Code. The paper provides a preliminary analysis of different options, including an assessment of each option against relevant criteria. The criteria, which are discussed below, will be used to identify the preferred options that are most likely to achieve the desired objective. Feedback from submitters will help MBIE to improve and finalise the preliminary analysis in this paper. The paper functions as an interim Regulatory Impact Analysis by weighing up the different policy options.


PDF, 948KB, 70 pages