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New Zealand's high speed research network: at a critical juncture

Published: 5 Dec 2018

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment commissioned the report New Zealand’s high speed research network: at a critical juncture from Sapere Research Group. It examines options for durable connectivity for the research sector, including assessing the value of high speed connectivity in facilitating research data exchange, and the barriers and incentives to realising the benefits of specialised connectivity in New Zealand.


PDF, 1.1MB, 93 pages

Liability outcomes in the building sector

Published: 13 Nov 2018

This report looked at liability costs imposed on BCAs in negligence cases, including what proportion of building consents resulted in a dispute, how often BCAs are the ‘last party standing’, and the total amount of damages arising from building defect cases over the last 10 years.


PDF, 560KB, 40 pages