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Risk, responsibility and liability in the building process: An exploration of the behaviours of home...

Published: 21 Sept 2018

This report looked at the behaviours of builders and homeowners around risk. It interviewed 18 homeowners and 16 builders. They were asked about the types of things they thought could go wrong during the building process, and the steps they took to manage those risks.


, 1.2MB, 52 pages

Pathway Student Visa Evaluation

Published: 17 Jul 2018

Immigration New Zealand, in consultation with the international education sector, has developed the Pathway student visa (Pathway visa). This visa is for international students wishing to study more than one course or programme of study, at one or more providers, in New Zealand. The visa was piloted from 7 December 2015 to 30 November 2018 with an interim evaluation completed in August 2017. This final evaluation is based on findings from surveys of international students and immigration advisers, interviews with education providers, immigration officers and peak bodies, and analysis of administrative visa data.


PDF, 1.5MB, 48 pages