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Responsible Lending Code - March 2015

Published: 2 Mar 2015

The Responsible Lending Code provides guidance on how lenders can meet their responsible lending obligations under the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act 2003. This is the first copy of the Code.




PDF, 399KB, 64 pages

Access to buildings for people with disabilities : Consultation report

Published: 23 Jun 2014

Full report of the 2014 consultation about access to buildings for people with disabilities. The review sought to gain a better understanding of how the requirements contained in the Building Act and the Building Code providing access for people with disabilities are being implemented in new buildings, as well as in buildings being altered, and the extent to which these requirements do in fact provide an accessible built environment for people with disabilities. Joint consultation between MBIE and ODI, managed by Malatest International consultants. Commonly called the Malatest Report.




PDF, 1.2MB, 63 pages