Hawke's Bay Regional Workforce Plan
Published: 11 Jul 2022A plan for current and future workforce skills development.
PDF, 2.5MB, 20 pages
A plan for current and future workforce skills development.
PDF, 2.5MB, 20 pages
A plan for current and future workforce skills development.
PDF, 2.9MB, 44 pages
A plan for current and future workforce skills development.
PDF, 2.5MB, 20 pages
A plan for current and future workforce skills development.
PDF, 4.5MB, 60 pages
A plan for current and future workforce skills development.
PDF, 2.6MB, 20 pages
With support from partner agencies, MBIE has developed this 2022 National Plan (the Plan), which frames how we give effect to the noninterference provisions in the CMA.
PDF, 656KB, 28 pages
Industry Transformation Plans (ITPs) are a high-intensity, high-engagement approach to industry policy, with the purpose of setting a transformative vision and action plan for key sectors in the New Zealand economy.
PDF, 158KB, 7 pages
New Zealand's all-of-government Plan of Action against Forced Labour, People Trafficking and Slavery, 2020-2025
PDF, 207KB, 29 pages
The Building System Regulatory Strategy – Building for the Future - outlines MBIE’s vision for the future of building regulation over the next 10 to 15 years. Launched in 2020, it sets out clear and measurable goals and action points for MBIE to achieve a high-performing building regulatory system.
PDF, 2.4MB, 21 pages
A one page outline of MBIE's Building System Regulatory Strategy.
PDF, 72KB, 1 page
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