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Summary of submissions: Licensed Building Practitioners fees review 2018

Published: 12 Dec 2018

121 submissions were received on the proposed LBP fees and levy changes. This document summarises the results. The majority of submitters (75 per cent) preferred no increase in charges. 14 per cent were neutral and 11 per cent agreed with the increases, although some qualified their support with comments to the effect that so long as the increase in fees resulted in better service.


PDF, 334KB, 4 pages


Liability outcomes in the building sector

Published: 13 Nov 2018

This report looked at liability costs imposed on BCAs in negligence cases, including what proportion of building consents resulted in a dispute, how often BCAs are the ‘last party standing’, and the total amount of damages arising from building defect cases over the last 10 years.


PDF, 560KB, 40 pages

Risk, responsibility and liability in the building process: An exploration of the behaviours of home...

Published: 21 Sept 2018

This report looked at the behaviours of builders and homeowners around risk. It interviewed 18 homeowners and 16 builders. They were asked about the types of things they thought could go wrong during the building process, and the steps they took to manage those risks.


, 1.2MB, 52 pages