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Canned peaches from South Africa - 2019 full review final report

Published: 13 Mar 2020

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment has carried out a full review of anti-dumping duties on canned peaches from South Africa under the Trade (Anti-dumping and Countervailing Duties) Act 1988. MBIE has found that continuing to impose the duties at the reassessed rate is in the public interest.




PDF, 609KB, 43 pages

Trade, Business

Consumer Protection: Quarterly report October-December 2019

Published: 5 Mar 2020

This is Consumer Protection’s quarter two (Q2) report covering data from 1 October – 31 December 2019. The report presents information on the issues that consumers contacted the MBIE service centre about, and any change from the previous quarter. Consumer enquiries reported to the Citizen’s Advice Bureau (CAB) are also presented.




PDF, 2.9MB, 22 pages

Tourism satellite account 2019

Published: 12 Dec 2019

Tourism satellite account: 2019 provides a picture of the role tourism plays in New Zealand, with information on the changing levels and impact of tourism activity. It presents information on tourism’s contribution to the New Zealand economy in terms of expenditure and employment. Results cover provisional figures for the year ended March 2019 and detailed results for 2018.




PDF, 1.6MB, 90 pages