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The settlement experience of Pacific migrants to New Zealand: Insights from LISNZ and the IDI

Published: 14 Feb 2019

This report by Motu Economic and Public Policy Research presents the results of a study that used individual-level data from the Longitudinal Immigration Survey New Zealand (LISNZ) and Statistics New Zealand's Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI) to look at the settlement experiences of Pacific migrants who gained residence approval between 1 November 2004 and 31 October 2005.


PDF, 3.8MB, 94 pages

Pathway Student Visa Evaluation

Published: 17 Jul 2018

Immigration New Zealand, in consultation with the international education sector, has developed the Pathway student visa (Pathway visa). This visa is for international students wishing to study more than one course or programme of study, at one or more providers, in New Zealand. The visa was piloted from 7 December 2015 to 30 November 2018 with an interim evaluation completed in August 2017. This final evaluation is based on findings from surveys of international students and immigration advisers, interviews with education providers, immigration officers and peak bodies, and analysis of administrative visa data.


PDF, 1.5MB, 48 pages

Immigration policy priorities, and data and evidence

Published: 7 May 2018

This briefing paper sets out the range of outcomes sourt from the immigration system, key challenges and an initial assessment of how MBIE can support and develop the immigration policy priorities. It also provides background information on visa approval data and trends, labour market data and trends, and detail on how the immigration system is funded.


PDF, 5MB, 41 pages