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Review of the Tourism Infrastructure Fund 2019

Published: 27 Sept 2019

This review is an evaluation of the operation and effectiveness of the Tourism Infrastructure Fund. It will support an assessment and report to Cabinet in 2019/20 by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) on whether the TIF funding mechanism is appropriate or if an alternative approach is necessary to achieve the desired outcomes.




PDF, 1.4MB, 63 pages

The Tourism New Zealand Report

Published: 27 Sept 2019

The report looks at what role Tourism New Zealand should play in supporting New Zealand’s future tourism needs and how is it positioning its capabilities to deliver on this role. Commissioned by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.




PDF, 1010KB, 48 pages

Consumer Protection: Quarterly report April-June 2019

Published: 25 Sept 2019

This is Consumer Protection’s quarter four (Q4) report covering data from April – June 2019. The report presents information on the issues that consumers contacted the MBIE service centre about, and any change from the previous quarter. Consumer enquiries reported to the Citizen’s Advice Bureau (CAB) are also presented.




PDF, 1.1MB, 27 pages