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Discussion paper: Operational governance for trans-Tasman e-Invoicing framework

Published: 17 Oct 2018

This paper provides information about the trans-Tasman electronic invoicing (e-Invoicing) collaboration and seeks feedback on early thinking about operational governance options for trans-Tasman e-Invoicing arrangements. The feedback we receive will inform the further development of options and related advice to Australian and New Zealand (A-NZ) governments.


PDF, 616KB, 12 pages

Electricity Price Review analysis of retail billing data

Published: 15 Oct 2018

This paper is a companion to the review’s first report. It contains an analysis of 50 million individual power bills provided by New Zealand’s nine largest retailers. It explores average bills; differences across socio-economic groups; savings available to customers from switching to cheaper offers; pre-pay compared to standard (post-pay) supply terms; and the effect of low fixed charge regulations.


PDF, 710KB, 30 pages


Electricity Price Review: First report - technical paper

Published: 7 Sept 2018

This paper is a companion to the review’s first report. It includes a technical discussion on: Pricing analysis comparing wholesale electricity prices against the cost of building new power stations; the financial performance of generators and retailers, and whether they have been making excessive profits; analysis of allocation of distribution costs between businesses and residential consumers; and technological advances in the sector, including case studies on hydrogen fuel cells, large scale batteries, electric vehicle recharging technology, and technology for managing electricity network costs.


PDF, 473KB, 20 pages
