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Non-confidential final report subsidy investigation: Hollow steel sections from China

Published: 28 Mar 2019

This Final Report sets out the essential facts and conclusions that provide the basis for determinations to be made by the Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs under section 10D(1) of the Trade (Anti-dumping and Countervailing Duties) Act 1988 on whether the goods are subsidised and whether material injury to an industry has been or is being caused by the subsidisation, and under section 11(1)(g) of the Act relating to the termination of an investigation




PDF, 2MB, 263 pages


Consumer Protection: Quarterly report October-December 2018

Published: 5 Mar 2019

This is Consumer Protection’s quarter two (Q2) report covering data from 1 October – 31 December 2018. The report presents information on the issues that consumers contacted the MBIE service centre about, and any change from the previous quarter. Consumer enquiries reported to the Citizen’s Advice Bureau (CAB) are also presented.




PDF, 984KB, 22 pages