Further advice on phasing and timing to broaden border settings – 2122-0198
Published: 19 Aug 2022Further advice on phasing and timing of changes to broaden border exception settings.
PDF, 590KB, 8 pages
Further advice on phasing and timing of changes to broaden border exception settings.
PDF, 590KB, 8 pages
Policy briefings relating to the 2022 Immigration Fee and Levy Review.
PDF, 8.9MB, 78 pages
Briefing - Emerging National Picture of Regional Priorities for Regional Strategic Partnership Fund Investments
PDF, 664KB, 46 pages
Seeks approval to submit an initiative bid to support the second generation Transformation Plan for the Construction Sector Accord
PDF, 877KB, 14 pages
Briefing seeking agreement to submit an Initiative letter to the Minister of Finance submitting eight Energy and Resources portfolio initiatives for Budget 2022
PDF, 227KB, 149 pages
Includes a submission letter and initiative summary for the initiative Continuing support for homeowners affected by Canterbury Earthquakes and other natural disasters (14073)
PDF, 1.6MB, 24 pages
Briefing seeking final agreement to minor and technical decisions on the mining and quarrying regulations and a draft LEG paper for Ministerial consultation.
PDF, 1.4MB, 12 pages
Briefing to seek the Minister's agreement to recover additional MIQ costs incurred by future RSE workers.
PDF, 416KB, 8 pages
This Cabinet paper has been proactively released on MBIE's website. Briefing is about agreement to lodge the final of this paper at LEG on 6 May 2021.
PDF, 1.5MB, 5 pages
Briefing to seek the Minister's agreement on the proposed implementation of the targeted occupancy reduction (additional 500 room reserve) across MIQ facilities and allocation of the remaining rooms 'freed up' by quarantine free travel with Australia.
PDF, 1.7MB, 9 pages
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