Financial Records relating to security services
Published: 18 Dec 2018MBIE financial records relating to use of private investigators and security services
PDF, 7.2MB, 126 pages
MBIE financial records relating to use of private investigators and security services
PDF, 7.2MB, 126 pages
Between December 2017 and September 2018, an internal panel in MBIE of people outside of the system conducted an assessment of the consumer and commercial regulatory system. This document presents the findings.
PDF, 364KB, 33 pages
This report looked at liability costs imposed on BCAs in negligence cases, including what proportion of building consents resulted in a dispute, how often BCAs are the ‘last party standing’, and the total amount of damages arising from building defect cases over the last 10 years.
PDF, 560KB, 40 pages
This report looked at the market for guarantees and insurance products in New Zealand. It looked at the providers currently operating in the market, GIP markets overseas, and analysed the various options for promoting GIP uptake.
PDF, 1MB, 89 pages
This report looked at the behaviours of builders and homeowners around risk. It interviewed 18 homeowners and 16 builders. They were asked about the types of things they thought could go wrong during the building process, and the steps they took to manage those risks.
, 1.2MB, 52 pages
This document sets out the roles and responsibilities for participants in the competition system, the relationships between them, and how the participants will work together to address gaps, overlaps and uncertainties.
PDF, 496KB, 26 pages
Paper seeking Cabinet's approval to introduce the Regulatory Systems (Economic Development) Amendment Bill, Regulatory Systems (Housing) Amendment Bill and the Regulatory Systems (Workforce) Amendment Bill into the House of Representatives.
PDF, 267KB, 8 pages
Cabinet approved technical changes to Financial Market Conduct Regulations.
PDF, 139KB, 3 pages
Analysis on the application of the insider trading prohibition to the primary market where shares and other financial products are first created and sold.
PDF, 766KB, 12 pages
Cabinet paper seeking technical changes to Financial Market Conduct Regulations.
PDF, 150KB, 8 pages
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